Non per gli studenti, il cui anno scolastico comincia a fine bestate/b, ma per i governi di quei paesi, la cui azione ? scrupolosamente esaminata durante l?arco dei dodici mesi dai burocrati di Bruxelles. Quello delle relazioni annuali ...
La zone C, elle existe déj?, ceux sont les vacataires, ceux qui courent ? droite ? gauche, font un nombre important d'heures en bvacations/b, parce qu'ils n'ont pas de poste, esp?rent en avoir un pour passer dans la zone B, ou renoncent, b.../b
b.../b the sultry once-over from a beauty in a white bikini at poolside, and everything goes wacky and downhill from there with a bogus assignment to cover singer Michael Jackson, his Neverland bestate/b and his sleepovers. b.../b She accomplished much, including the prosecution of Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic, but the memoir wears itself out detailing her interminable, fruitless efforts to apprehend Serbian fugitives Radovan Karadzic and Ratko bMladic/b. b.../b